Psoriasis Ayurvedic treatment

Ekakushta is a
kshudra kushta and have vata- kapha dominance and even involvement of Tridosha can be
evident from its sign and symptoms. The vitiated doshas reaches to shithila dushya like twak,
rakta, mansa, lasika and results into sthan samshraya avastha and then produce symptoms of
Ekakushta. Acharya charaka says that in kushta, shithila is in whole twak, while the lesions
are produced at the site of enlodgement of doshas. In this disease oncet of
Matsyashakhalopamam (silvery scales), in Mahavastu (large surface area) along with
aswedanam (loss of perspiration)is seen. The line of treatment mentioned in Ayurvedic
classics for kushta are Nidana parivarjana, Shodhana, Snehana, swedan, raktamokshana,
shaman etc. As ekakushta is mostly chronic and bahudoshajanya, both shodhana and shaman
therapies has to followed to provide long lasting result. Considering the above facts,
composite treatment plan was adopted. Initially Abhyantar shodhana was done Virechana and
after completion of sansarjana karma, samshamana treatment was performed.

Deepan & pachana- tab Arogyavardhini vati 250mg 2-0-2.
Hingvasthak choorna 3gm BD with Goghrit.

Shodhana i.e Virechana

Abhyantara snehapana with Panchtikta ghrita for 7days followed by snehan, swedan for 

3days and virechana was given with Triphala+Aragvadh+Trivritta kwath with erand taila and 
abhayadi modak.

After madhyam shuddhi of virechana, Sansarjana karma for 5days was given.


 Guduchi ghanavati 2-0-2
 Gandhak rasayana 250mg 2-0-2
 Gandharva haritaki choorna 3gms Hs with luke warm water
 Panchtikta ghrit guggula 2-0-2
 Khadirarishta 20ml BD.

Sthanik Chikitsa

 Mahamarichyadi taila for L/A
 Nimb + karanj taila L/A at night
 Sarvang dhavan with triphala+ musta+ daruharidra kwatha.

PASI SCORE:  for assessment of extensive psoriasis .
Psoriasis Area Severity Index (PASI). The PASI is a measure of the average Redness, 
Thickness and Scaling of the lesion(0-4 scale), weighted by the area of involvement.
