Polycystic ovarian syndrome

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a group of disease collectively named as -

1) Primary and secondary amenorrhoea (Absence of menstrual cycle or irregular periods )

2) Hirsutism (Male like facial hair present in women )

3) Obesity

4) Enlarged poly cystic ovaries 

Blood investigation :- 

1) Free testosterone ( male androgen ) increased.

2) DHEAS ( dehydroepiandrosteron sulfate ) i.e precursor of testosterone increased.

3) LH level increased and FSH level decreased.  (LH > FSH )

4) Prolactin level increased

5) High estrogen level

6) High cholesterol level

Transvaginal USG investigation :-

String of black pearl around a white neck.

                     Pearl string sign

Complications :-

1) Infertility
2) Hypertension
3) High blood sugar ( type 2 diabetes )
4) Dislipidemia
5) Atherosclerosis
6) Ischemic heart disease
7) Heart attack
8) Endometrial carcinoma
9) Breast cancer

आयुर्वेदिक दृष्टिकोनातून विचार पुढीलप्रमाणे :-

संप्राप्ती घटक :-

दोष :- कफ ,वात 
दुष्य :- मांस ,मेद ,रस
स्त्रोतोदुष्टी :- संग
अग्नि :- जाठराग्निमांद्य आणि धात्वाग्निमांद्य

Treatment :- 
In modern science there is limitations .

According to Ayurveda treatment are as follows- 

1) remove Cause of PCOS

Avoid above food habits
Avoid above routine life.
Avoid using oral contraceptive pills
Avoid jumping , hectic lifestyle during your menses.
arrange antistress program
Meditation must do.
Pavanamukatasan must do.

Detoxification must needed.
*Vaman - for remove Excess vitiated Kapha Dosha
*Virechan - for Vata Dosha anuloman 
For Virechan , Taking Icchabhedi ras (2 tab in morning ).
*lekhan Basti ( To reduce the size of Cyst.)

*Udvartan (dry powder massage for metabolism of pathological fat and kapha Dosha ).

For Udvartan , use Triphala Choorn (Astringent to improve muscle tone.)

* Avgaha Swedan (tub bath for dilate or remove obstruction )

Internal medicine 

1) Rasapachaka vati :- 

Dose :- 2 tab. TDS with warm water

2) Triphala goggul 

Dose : 3 tab. Four times in a day for 2 month.

3) Kanchanar goggul 
Dose 3 tab. Three times in a day


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