Ayurvedic Management of Constipation

Constipation Causes, symptoms,diet plan , exercise and ayurvedic treatment

*Constipation occurs when stool moves too slowly through the digestive tract or cannot be eliminated effectively from the rectum which may cause the stool hard and dry and sometimes it is painful to pass.

*Constipation means that a person has three or fewer bowel movements in a week.

*Constipation means unsatisfied stool i.e.feeling of something is remain in my rectum inspite to go toilet.

*Causes of Constipation :- 

Complications of Constipation :-

Ayurvedic management of Constipation :-
*Diet :- 
*Eat fibre rich foods.
*Drink more water

*Do not supress the urge to go toilet.

*Avoid the above causes that causes constipation.

*Exercise :- 
*For purification enema must be given.

*Palliative medicine are as follows:-

For Vata Dosha prominent constipation
(Dry , Hard stool , pain , bulging abdomen, Straining during defecation )

1) Mrudu Virechan :- 

*Gandarva Haritaki choorn



*1cup of warm milk with two teaspoons of ghee.

2)Vatakapha  Dosha Prominant constipation
(Sticky stool , straining more, Anorexia, tylism, faul smell in mouth )

Matra Basti - 50 - 60 ml three times in a week by warm seasame oil /Narayan oil with the help of glycyrin syringe

Picchha Basti :- Mocharas (for remove stickyness ) once in a month.

*Isabagol with glass of water

*Vishtinduk vati (increase muscle tone of spincture muscle )

For increase the strength of Karmedriya
And for chronic constipation

* Pet Saffa tablet 
*Abhraka bhasma

*Vanga bhasma

*Soovarn bhasma
*Refer to surgeon when structural defect in digestive tract.
